Bizarre funeral held for old villager who dug his own grave 38 years ago (photo) - News Gist

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Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Bizarre funeral held for old villager who dug his own grave 38 years ago (photo)

Bizarre funeral held for old villager who dug his own grave 38 years ago (photo)

According to reports, the man identified as Stanley Muriuki Njuki, made plans for his funeral including digging his own grave in 1979, 38 years before he eventually died. Muriuki who was from the Karogoto village in Nyeri County, Kenya, had asked that he be dressed in a woollen suit when he is laid in state, and that he be buried in a mahogany casket. Late Muriuki who was known as 'mighty lawyer' while he lived, was said to have gone as far as even writing an epitaph (in loving memory of...) for himself, and had also constructed a mortuary where he asked his family members to keep him in for 8 days before burial. 
He had also gone ahead to leave small details asking for his body to be placed on a sawdust and charcoal slab, with some local herbs hanging from the room. He also asked that his children come in at intervals, just to pour cold water on him while he's on the slab, instead of embalming him.
They were also supposed to guard his body round the clock, so that rats wouldn't attempt to eat it. One of the deceased's sons, Charles, said: “As a child, I did not understand why he dug the grave, but as I grew up, I realised that it was important to him and eventually, came to accept the grave as part of our lives. He said that I should make sure there is someone with his body throughout the day, so that the rats don’t bite his nose or ears while he is dead."They were also supposed to guard his body round the clock, so that rats wouldn't attempt to eat it. 
See the grave below:
Bizarre funeral held for old villager who dug his own grave 38 years ago (photo)

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