Nigerian guy claims he got Spanish lady's number in his dream - News Gist

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Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Nigerian guy claims he got Spanish lady's number in his dream

Nigerian guy who claimed he got a lady's number in his dream 
A Spanish lady has called out a Nigerian man who reached out to her on whatsapp for a chat. The lady asked how he came about her number, to which he responded that it was given to him in a dream. The young man claimed that he didn't believe the number was real at first but now he knows the true meaning of a dream.
The lady advised him to find something to do with his life, which he in turn responded by saying "she should give her test money tomorrow". We assume that he meant "testimony" as the lady herself isn't sure of what he was talking about. See screenshot of their chat below; 
Nigerian guy who claimed he got a lady's number in his dream 

Nigerian guy who claimed he got a lady's number in his dream 

Nigerian guy who claimed he got a lady's number in his dream 

LOL, Naija no dey carry last.  

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