Man allegedly searching for second wife uses family photo as his profile on a dating platform - News Gist

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Sunday, 8 October 2017

Man allegedly searching for second wife uses family photo as his profile on a dating platform

A married Nigerian man simply identified as Obinna has shocked the world after he used his family photo as a profile photo on a dating platform. It is common knowledge that dating platforms are for single people who are willing to start a relationship with someone they are compatible with. The 42-year-old might not have gotten the idea behind dating platforms to have used a photo of himself, his wife and child as profile photo. \
The Instagram user who assumed that the man was on the platform in search of a second wife expressed that the man took an honest approach to bring a new wife into his home. According to the user, any woman would know what she is getting into before she starts a relationship with him. The post was captioned: “Igbo men are honest if you're going to be the second wife you will know from day one.” 

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