Armed robber arrested while playing keyboard in Delta church (photo) - News Gist

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Monday, 18 September 2017

Armed robber arrested while playing keyboard in Delta church (photo)

Armed robber arrested while playing keyboard in Delta church (photos)
When 23-year-old Emmanuel Ndidi walked into church on Saturday, September 16, 2017, other members of the said church had no idea that the person handling their keyboard was a wanted armed robber. According to reports, Ndidi had led a two-man gang to an operation at the Sunny Ojougboh area of Agbor, Delta state, earlier in the same night, leaving the residents of the area in fear. Following his arrest by members of the Agbor Gha Ihun security, Ndidi who claimed he recently returned from Ghana where he was a bus driver, blamed the devil saying he became a robber because he needed to survive upon his return. 
Ndidi who pleaded for forgiveness while promising to never steal again, mentioned his partner, 23-year-old Chuks Okpehoro, who he said joined him to steal four mobile phones and other items.

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