Young boy who had bow legs transforms after surgery (photos) - News Gist

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Monday, 21 August 2017

Young boy who had bow legs transforms after surgery (photos)

A young boy simply identified as Maurinho who had bow legs has undergone corrective surgery to straighten his legs.
It was gathered that the young boy had always dreamed of becoming a professional football player but he was unable to due to the condition of his leg.
After the corrective surgery, it seems like the young aspiring football player would get the chance to make his dreams come true. In the photos that went viral on social media, Maurinho was all smiles as he posed to show off his straight legs.
In the photos that went viral on social media, Maurinho was all smiles as he posed to show off his straight legs.
Bow leg

Bow leg is a condition that makes one unable to stand upright like every other person. It is a condition that makes the knees stay wide apart when one stands. 
This corrective surgery is definitely a breakthrough for someone like Maurinho whose dream is to play football. 

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