Photos: Sad story of 13-year-old Nigerian boy buried in coffin constructed with abandoned decaying planks after late father's family dumped his body - News Gist

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Thursday, 31 August 2017

Photos: Sad story of 13-year-old Nigerian boy buried in coffin constructed with abandoned decaying planks after late father's family dumped his body

Boys' Brigade Ministry and Missions Mbaitoli Battalion Council, shared this sad story of Promise Mmadueke, a 13-year-old boy from Ifakala, who died last week and was laid to rest today in Imo State.

Promise was the only surviving member of his father's family. Relatives abandoned the body after his death and refused to contribute to the burial planning claiming that they don't have money. The Boys' Brigade Ministry constructed a coffin made from abandoned planks which was decaying to bury the boy.
Read the full story by a member of Boys' Brigade Ministry and Missions:

The remains of Master Promise Oluebube Mmadueke, a 13years old Boy from Ifakala was laid to rest today by members of the Boys' Brigade Nigerian, Mbaitoli battalion council.

He passed out on the early hours of last week Thursday 23rd August in his home town. The family wanted to bury him immediately but the Brigade members stood to pay the last respect to this fallen achiever.

His story will make you cry, just listen.
The little Promise was the only surviving member of his fathers family.
His father died years ago, out of fear and oppression the mother ran away cuz her children (Promise and the elder brother) was taken from her.

Years later his elder brother passed out living him in custody of the grand mother who nurtured Promise. Promise was a devoted lover of Gods work. He was a Roman Catholic but belonged faithfully to the Boys' Brigade Company at Christ Ang. Church Nwaorieubi.

The Roman Catholic where he worshipped did not identify with the family nor contribute in any way.
The family abandoned the body after his death and refused to put in any kobo for the burial planning with excuses that they didn't have money.
The information gathered showed that the late father had little assets which was ceased by his kinsmen, yet none contributed towards the burial.

After much deliberation, the Boys' Brigade members filed a police report about the death, made necessary registrations, sealed his death certificate from the LGA and today marched as one big family to pay the last respect to this Boy.
We paid for the ambulance, mortuary bills, instrumentalist etc yet the family refused to pay a dime. They constructed a coffin made from abandoned planks which was decaying to carry the Boys' body. The purported coffin was even too short to accommodate his leg space that we had to loosen it this morning and pay carpenters to readjust the length of the wood.

None of the family members came to the mortuary to accost us or cheer with us.

We marched through nwaorieubi, ifakala and environs to show the world he had friends and another family.

Villagers were amazed with the parade and display for a 13year old Boy whom the family have written off. Some confessed that even the big men in their family haven't received such an honor at life or death.

The story of Promise Mmadueke opened my eyes to the wickedness of the world.
I know he has passed unto glory, but posterity will keep a marchon his life.

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